On our website you will find useful information about what we can offer to you and your business in terms of products and solutions within the water treatment area. For you as an operations manager our website offers a useful insight in the chemical/physical processes that happen during the operation of a steam boiler, cooling tower/cooling condenser and district heating plant. We work closely with leading European experts and producers in order for us to always offer you the newest know-how and research within the area, as well as a competitive price.
Kemi-tech offers to become your stable and preferred business partner offering the lowest prices on high-tech and environmentally friendly special chemicals. We would like to help you optimize the operation of your steam boiler, cooling systems, district heating plants and much more in order for you to save money. Learn more in this section about the various areas we work with.
From cost savings, servicing of solutions, stocks that are ready to ship on demand to a high focus on environment, certifications and specialised knowledge – the reasons are many on why to choose us as your business partner. Learn more about the advantages in working with us in this section.
We focus on your needs and wishes and our know-how is at your disposal so we together can find the best and most energy-saving solution for you. You will see that our business model is flexible, fair and absolutely the most cost-effective on the market. Learn more about us, our certifications and much more in this section.
On 29 June, Sdiptech AB (publ) announced that the company had entered into an agreement to acquire Kemi-tech ApS, a leading provider in tailored chemical solut...
We work with a wide range of various areas in water treatment solutions. Learn more on how we can help your company in each section.
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