Avoid Thriving Bacteria in Your Water Treatment System

Bacteria and biofilm thrive in many industrial water-bearing systems. Both types are often found in cooling water systems, but may also develop in district heating systems.
There are several types of biocides (bactericides). Some are very efficient for shorter periods of time, while others are efficient for long time exposures. Common for all types is that the use of these biocides should be limited as much as possible, since they are not considered to be environmentally friendly.

  • Some types are oxidizing and some are not.
  • Some do not work if the pH value is too low or too high, and some are less sensitive to this.
  • Some types need long contact time in order to be efficient, while others need a short contact time to be efficient.
  • Some types are especially suitable for controlling algae, whereas other types are more broad-spectred.
  • Some types can provoke bacteria resistance, others will not.
  • Most types of biocides are ineffective when it comes to eliminating bacteria in biofilm.

Therefore it is imperative that formation of biofilm does not occur.


Bacteria in Cooling Water

Cooling towers/cooling condensers are considered high-risk facilities in terms of bacterial contamination. This is primarily due to the fact that the environment in these facilities is particularly prone to the formation and retention of bacteria, due to e.g. a high concentration of minerals/salts, optimal temperature conditions, nutriments deriving from air inlet, optimal pH value, stagnant water etc.

Especially the bacterial species legionella (>40 species) are considered to be extremely dangerous, because they can infect humans with pontiac fever/legionellosis, which ultimately may have fatal consequences.

The disease is transmitted through aerosols which are inhaled, and since the cooling towers/condensers emit lots of aerosols through vapour, it is recommended getting a hazard assessment as well as a recurrent analysis carried out on every cooling tower/condenser.

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Biofilm is a mucocid substance that can be found in cooling towers/condensers which have not been treated optimally. This biofilm breeds further growth of bacteria.

Biofilm can also form deposits on heating surfaces which is actually more isolating than scales. It is therefore very important that the formation of biofilm is kept under control.

Kemi-tech only offers cooling water products where the risk of formation of biofilm in the system is practically non-existent. This is both a cost-effective and environmentally advantage for you, because the amount of biocide used can be significantly reduced due to the fact that very few bacteria is protected by the biofilm.

Kemi-tech can offer you online surveillance of biofilm and other types of deposits through approved equipment from our suppliers. Dosage of biocide through online monitoring equipment is also possible. The online monitoring equipment ensures a permanent biocide surplus 24 hours a day, without risking bacteria resistance.

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Our product

Grey Line - Cleaning Agents & Biocides

We offer:

Kemi-tech offers a wide range of biocides, Anti-scaler and online cleaning agents.

  • Competitive prices
  • Low feed rate
  • All products in stock for fast delivery

Advantages of:

  • Products with high concentration or a mix of basic materials (powder) (to be used for large cleaning assignments.)
  • Efficient descaling while the product protects all types of materials.
  • No risk of corrosion during cleaning.
  • Competitive prices
  • Based on organic acids, dispersing agents, surfactants and corrosion inhibitors.
Descaling Products
  • Highly concentrated ready-to-use products to be used in small, medium and large RO-facilities. Dosing between 3-15 ppm based on local water analysis.
  • The products are food graded and can therefore be used in the production of drinking water.
  • Avoids deposits from calcium carbonate, calcium sulphate, magnesium hydroxide, silicates, sand/mud and bacterial deriving deposit.
  • Special products that remove various types of deposits while the facility is operating normally, such as a steam boiler or a cooling tower.
  • The cleaning periods will typically be carried out during the course of 10-90 days depending on how thick the deposits are.
  • The deposits will be drained from the blow down/drainage.
  • Competitive prices.
  • The cleaning does not have negative impacts on other areas.
Online Cleaning Agents
  • In order to keep the bacterial growth under control, biocides are often dispensed to the water.
  • Some types are oxidizing and some are not.
  • There is a great difference on the various types of biocides, and therefore it is highly important to choose the correct type of biocide which depends on the type of facility in order to obtain the best result.
  • Some do not work if the pH value is too low or too high, and some are less sensitive to this.
  • Some types need long contact time in order to be efficient, others need a short contact time to be efficient.
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