The food-, brewery- and animal feed-industry produces a lot of different types of products that in advance have been heat-treated in one way or another.
Common for all is that the products have been heat-treated and in this way preserved meaning that pasteurization and sterilization systems have been used to carry out this sort of task. Using water at high temperatures means that you will soon run into problems. If the water quality is not optimal, the finished products and production equipment will corrode and be covered with various problematic substances, such as calcium and grease, and bacterial problems are not uncommon as well.
The before mentioned types of businesses often use huge amounts of water, and Kemi-tech can help reducing both water consumption and chemical consumption. We use efficient and environmentally friendly products that solve your problems in the best way. We are at your disposal to take on your assignment – contact us for more information about our solutions.
The products in this group can be designed specifically for autoclaving etc.
We would be happy to audit your facilities – without commitment.
Are you interested in learning more about how Kemi-tech can help you with water treatment? Click the button below to view our contact details.