Get the best out of your solution with a service agreement

We know how important it is to have an optimal water treatment solution consisting of advanced protection products, energy saving consultancy, on-going follow-up/help on your premises.

Advantages of a service agreement:

  • You save money on chemicals.
  • There will be no unpleasant surprises.
  • You will get an on-going and detailed follow-up on the water quality.
  • You will be advised on how to save energy.
  • Recommendations on how to improve your water treatment solutions.


“You may use the best chemicals in the world, but if you do not use it correctly you do not get the best result.”

Therefore we offer the possibility to contract a service agreement when using our products. This is something that we always recommend to our customers. We have chosen not to hide sporadically service work in the products’ price per kilo. Our police is very strait, protecting both our clients and our own company interests, securing that “a deal is a deal” and made under conditions respecting both client and sellers integrity.

Contact us for more information on the advantages of a service agreement.

Want to know more?

Are you interested in learning more about how Kemi-tech can help you with water treatment? Click the button below to view our contact details.